Solo exhibitions:
- 2024 – Spherical Light / with Alžběta Josefy/ Chemistry Gallery, Prague
- 2022 – An Attampt at Regaining Reality, ArtMap, Prague
- 2022 – A Burst Dam, Gallery Berlinskej Model, Prague
- 2022 – Where Is The Eden, facade and Gallery Vzlet, Prague
- 2020 – Silicones, Fotograf Gallery, Prague
- 2019 – Oumuamua, AlternativaARCHA, Lubná
- 2019 – QUARTZ, Gallery 1. patro, Prague
- 2018 – The Last Footprint & Q: Seconds Before..., Fait Gallery, Brno
- 2016 – The Rabbit and the Queen, The Prague City Gallery, Colloredo – Mansfeld Palace, Prague
- 2016 – Silent Game, Czech Center in Sofia, Bulgaria
- 2014 – Ship, Ship, Slip and Drip (with William Hunt), gallery hunt kastner, Prague
- 2013 – DDMMYY, Gallery Plataforma Revólver, Lisbon, Portugal
- 2012 – Shore Patrol, Fotograf festival: Off Limits / Photography in a Public Space, Verdikt, Prague
- 2012 – Chiliagon (with Jan Šerých), Mem, Brno
- 2011 – Whale Has Heart Big as Size of a Car (with David Böhm), Fotograf Gallery, Prague
- 2010 – Fish People, Josef Sudek Studio, Prague
- 2009 – Next Time, House of Art, České Budějovice
- 2008 – Eye-Glasses (with guest Martin Vančát), Galerie 35M2, Prague
- 2008 – Somewhere Else, (with guest David Böhm), Josef Sudek Studio, Prague
- 2008 – Olive in a Martini (with guest Lenka Vítková), hunt kastner, Prague
- 2007 – Classic, Šternberk City Gallery, Šternberk
- 2006 – It’s Starting Again, Prague City Gallery, Old Town Hall, Prague
- 2006 – Underway, Czech Center, New York City, USA
- 2005 – Diamond Valley, Gallery G99, Brno
- 2004 – Cyclone, Gallery Jelení, Center for Contemporary Arts, Prague
- 2004 – AK Photographs, Gallery XXL, Louny
- 2002 – “Die Station Sehnsucht” (with Michal Pechouček), Gallery Unsichtbar, Stuttgart, Germany
- 2001 – The Film’s End, Gallery 761, Ostrava & Gallery Fiducia, Ostrava
- 2001 – Trip to the Hook, Gallery Malá Špálovka, Prague
- 2001 – Kyjev / Kiev, (with Jiří David), MXM Gallery, Prague
- 2000 – House No.9 / Heart Project, Prague-Helsinki 2000, (with Marja Kanervo), Mankkaa, Finland & Palackého náměstí – subway station; Foundation and Center for Contemporary Arts, Prague
- 1999 – Temporary Person II, Palais Jalta, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- 1998 – Temporary Person I., Križanke, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- 1998 – On the First Floor, Gallery at the White Unicorn, Klatovy
- 1998 – Temporary Person, Theatre Archa, Prague
Selected group exhibitions:
- (S) měna, Pragovka Gallery, Prague
- PHOTO / ARTIST / BOOK | The most exciting photobooks of the Central and Eastern Europe; Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center Budapest
- Sisterhood, GVUO, House of Art, Ostrava
- The Other Side of a Photograph, Fait Gallery, Brno
- The Charm of Everyday, White Unicorn Gallery in Klatovy
- Six Postcards, Center for Contemporary Art DOX, Prague
- Silent Games, Zahorian & Van Espen, Bratislava
- Get on the Ice! Ice Hockey and Skating in Art, National Gallery, Kinsky Palace, Prague
- Hours Against the Clock, Gallery KVOST- Kunstverein Ost, Berlin
- J&T Banka Art Index Pop-up, Invalidovna, Prague
- Touching Time that Stands Still, hunt kastner, Prague
- Symbiosis 2.0, Hong Kong Arts Centre, a4/F Pao Galleries (gallery A), China
- Post-objektiv, GVUO, Ostrava
- To Be Someone Else, Somewhere Else, Sometime Else, 4+4 days in motion, Erpet, Prague
- Secondary Archive, Manifesta 14, The European Nomadic Biennial, Prishtina, Kosovo
- ARTakeaway: " The Next Stop?" subway station, Prague
- Zone - The 2000s, From the Collection of the Klatovy/ Klenová Gallery, White Unicorn Gallery in Klatovy
- Divination from a Night Sky Partially Obscured by Clouds/The Role of Photography in the Post-Media Age, House of Photography, Prague
- Floralia, Museum Montanelli, Prague
- Through You I See Myself, Dialogues on Portrait, 8smička, Humpolec
- Fotograf Festival: Focusing the Independent Publishing Scene: There Is a Riot Going On, Pool Café, Prague (publication An attempt at regaining reality)
- J & T Banka Art Index, Pop-Up Gallery, Újezd 11, Prague
- Late Intimacy, Gallery of Modern Art, Hradec Králové
- Bomma Atelier, Prague
- Jindřich Chalupecký Society: Intervention #22: Elements, Glassworks František in Sázava
- Jiří Franta & David Böhm: Vykladači světa, Villa Pellé Gallery, Prague (guest of the show)
- Six postcards (Jolana Havelková and authors), The House of the Lords of Kunštát, Brno
- Quodlibet, hunt kastner, Prague
- ECHO/ Selection from the Fait Gallery Collection, Brno
- Project for PEXESO (Experimental Theatre Project), Rudolfinum Gallery, Prague
- Project for DiStO (Theatre of a Static Object), Theatre Minor, Prague
- The Audience Has Award!! Gallery TIC, Brno
- Sexposed vol. I (Pride Ride; Soma #16), Sexposed vol. II, PKC, Prague
- The Last Footprint & Q: Seconds Before..., Fait Gallery, Brno
- Uncertainty Principle, 4 + 4 days in motion, Desfours Palace, Prague
- Curated by_Vienna: Wie banal ist das Böse? Gallery Ernst Hilger, Vienna, Austria
- Confluences 100, Festival of the Centennial Nations` Capitals, National Museum of Romanian Literature, Bucharest, Romania
- Out of the Blue, Gallery 1st Floor, Prague
- Art Theorema #1, Salone degli Incanti, Trieste, Italy
- Sudek, Funke, Drtikol…(Czech and Slovak Photography from the Collection PPF), Regional Gallery of Liberec
- Apparatus 2.0 : The Unreliable Library, FCCA, Prague
- Abalienation after a Dictionary, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem
- Women Photographers, Gallery Klatovy / Castle Klenová
- Osm, Trafo Gallery, Prague
- New Acquisitions from the Collections of Prague City Gallery, Municipal Library of Prague
- One Moment, Gallery Drei, Dresden, Germany
- Soul Interiors, The Gallery of West Bohemia
- Irreversible Shift, The House of the Lords of Kunštát, Brno
- Apparatus for a Utopian Image, EFA Project Space, New York City, USA
- 4+4 Days in Motion, Municipal Buildings, Prague 1
- Neighbourhood Boogie-Woogie! Žižkov, Prague
- Landscape at the End of Time, National Gallery Perla, Vrané nad Vltavou
- Teorie chlupatého míče, Galerie U Bílého jednorožce, Klatovy
- Frontiers of Solitude, Fotograf Gallery, Prague; Vysočina Regional Gallery in Jihlava; Skaftfell, Seyðisfjörður, Iceland
- Reflexe / Jam Session of Pavel Baňka and His Guests,House of Art, Ústí nad Labem
- Teseract, Gallery AMU, Prague
- How Not to Want Enything, 4+4 Days in Motion, Desfours Palace
- I exist... (selfportrait in the contemporary czech fine arts - sample), Gallery 35m2, Prague
- Distant Observers, The Gallery of Modern Art in Roudnice nad Labem
- Variable Collection, National Gallery Perla, Vrané nad Vltavou
- In a Skirt - Sometimes / Art of the 1990s, Prague City Gallery, The Golden Ring, Prague
- The Charm of the Still Life, Josef Sudek Studio, Prague
- Call Me on Sunday, Krinzinger Projekte, Vienna, Austria
- In a Skirt - Sometimes, The Moravian Gallery in Brno
- 7th New Zlín Salon, The Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín
- Zone in Motion, DOX, Prague
- About the Chair, 9th International Biennial Of Photography And Visual Arts, Liege, Belgium
- The Beginning of the Century 2000-2010, Ostravian gallery, Ostrava
- The Sea! Why is not here! Regional Gallery of Vysočina in Jihlava
- Their Photographs, Gallery 5th floor, Prague
- The Earth Turns And All Things Slip Away, hunt kastner, Prague
- Ř/ Czech National Identity in Contemporary Art, Gallery AAAD, Prague
- Film. Directed by Artists / Film in Contemporary Art, Gallery Nitra, Slovakia
- My Place/the Space of Intertext, Gallery Trafačka, Prague
- The Beginning of the Century, West Bohemian Gallery, Masné krámy, Pilsen
- Between the First and Second Modernity (1985-2012),NG, Veletržní Palace, Prague
- Hidden Publics, Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem; Motorenhalle, Dresden, Germany
- Scenario Strategies, MeetFactory Gallery, Prague
- Just so Stories, Revolutionary Art Project, Europe House, Tbilisi, Georgia
- Turned Down, Wannieck Gallery, Brno
- The Sea Through Which We All Sail, Gallery Chodovská tvrz, Prague; Circulo de Bellas Artes de Tenerife, Canary Island
- Mutating Medium, Photography in Czech Art 1990–2010, Gallery Rudolfinum, Prague
- NY / PRAGUE 6, Czech Center, New York City, USA
- Collected Reflections, Entrance, Karlín Studios, Prague
- … and Don’t Forget the Flowers, Moravian Gallery in Brno, Pražák Palace, Brno
- The Lost Highway, (with Tomáš Vaněk), hunt kastner at Villa Reykjavik, Iceland
- Collectors: The Czech–Slovak Pavilion, Hilger Brot Kunst Halle, Vienna, Austria
- Jindřich Chalupecký Award, Final 09, DOX, Prague
- What Lies Beneath, House of Sweden, Washington DC, USA
- After Velvet, Prague City Gallery, House of the Golden Ring, Prague
- White Paper, Black Bride, Prague Biennale 4, Karlín Hall, Prague
- Formats of Transformation 89–09, Seven views of new Czech and Slovak identity, Brno House of Arts; MUSA, Museum auf Abruf, Vienna, Austria
- Behind the Velvet Curtain: Contemporary Art from the Czech Republic, Katzen Arts Center, American
- University Museum, Washington DC, USA
- Czech Photography of 20th Century, Kunst- und Austellungshalle der Bundesrepublic Deutschland,
- Bonn, Germany
- Month of Photography, Aktualizacja I., Krakow, Poland
- The Deep Mystique of TAO, Lidice Gallery
- When I was a Little Boy I used to Play with Girls, Gallery at the White Unicorn, Klatovy
- Contemporary Czech Cubism, Prague City Gallery, Old Town Hall, Prague
- In / Visible, Gallery U Mloka, Olomouc
- If You Don’t See Me, I Don’t Exist, FUTURA, Prague
- Glocal Girls: Young Czech and Slovak Women Photographers, Prague Biennale 3, Karlín Hall, Prague
- Sklerotische Nachbar/i /n, Fluss-NÖ, Initiative für Foto und Medienkunst, Wolkersdorf, Austria
- Gross Domestic Product, Prague City Gallery, Municipal Library, Prague; MARS Gallery, Moscow, Russia
- Facelift: 3 Contemporary Czech and Slovak Artists (with Kateřina Šedá and Lucie Nimcová), A.I.R., Gallery, New York City, USA
- Punctum, Futura, Prague
- INTERCITY Berlin-Prague /07 Fotographie, Kunst- und Medienzentrum Adlershof, Berlin, Germany
- UFO, The Images of The Invisible Phenomenon, Photo Forum Pasquart, Biel-Bienne, Switzerland
- Placing Sense, MUU Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
- Jindřich Chalupecký Award Finalists, Prague City Gallery, Municipal Library, Prague
- Cultural Domestication – Instinctual Desire, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
- Imprese, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague
- INTERCITY Berlin-Prague / 07 Fotographie, Gallery Mánes, Prague
- Czech Photography of 20th Century, Prague City Gallery, Municipal Library, Prague
- Insiders, DUMB, House of the Lords of Kunštát, Brno; Futura, Prague
- Certain Traces: Dialogue Prague-Los Angeles, Šípkárna, Prague; Gallery S.C.A.P.E, Los Angeles, USA
- Photography ??, Gallery at the White Unicorn, Klatovy; DUMB, House of Lords of Kunštát, Brno
- Interkosmos 2004, Gallery Raster, Warsaw, Poland
- Jaromír Funke Award Finalists, Prague House of Photography, Prague
- Compression, Kolonie Wedding International & Gallery Amanda Deva, Berlin
- Pal Fiction, Gallery Art Factory, Prague
- INOUT, International Festival of the Digital Image, Prague-Bratislava-Budapest
- Survey’03, Futura, Prague
- Temporary Spaces, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Elektrobot, Home Gallery, Prague
- It Happened One Night…, Municipal Gallery of Pilsen, Pilsen
- Politik-Um / New Engagement, Theresian Wing, Prague Castle, Prague
- 4th Biennial of Young Artists, Prague City Gallery, House of the Stone Bell, Prague
- Vintage and Contemporary Czech Photography, SK Josefsberg Gallery, Portland; Benham Gallery,
- Seattle, USA
- Femme Fatale, Felix Jenewein Gallery, Kutná Hora
- FOTOK, MEO, Budapest, Hungary
- No Flash!, Center for Contemporary Arts, Kiev, Ukraine
- Story, Gallery NoD, Prague
- Videofashion, Gallery Eskort, Brno
- The Second Zlín Salon of Young Artists, City Gallery of Zlín
- On a Free Theme But to the Point, Vacláv Špála Gallery, Prague
- ÜberlebensKunst, NBK, Berlin; Castle Plassenburg, Kulmbach, Germany
- Transglobe, Gallery Mánes, Prague
- 99 CZ, Václavské náměstí 15, Prague
- Germinations X, European Projects for Young Artists, Kultur-Elzenfeld, Antwerpen, Belgium
- Crossings, Gallery Rudolfinum, Prague
- Ordinary Fairy-Tales, Gallery at the White Unicorn, Klatovy
- Perplex, Václav Špála Gallery, Prague
- Vidiny, Gallery NoD, Prague
- Germinations X, European Projects for Young Artists, Gallery Factory, Athens, Greece
- Body and Photography, First Photographic Festival FOTO Praha – Kolín, Kolín
- Artwork in Public Spaces, organized by the Foundation and Center for Contemporary Arts, Prague
- Forum 2000, Theatre Archa, Prague
- Contacts, The 2nd International Open Air Symposium, Gallery Sýpka, Klenová
- New Names, Václav Špála Gallery, Prague
- Istroprojekt, 2nd International Student Biennial of Academies of Fine Arts, House of Culture, Bratislava, Slovakia
- Moon Faces, Modes Robes, Prague